Your dashboard is your homepage that provides you with notifications on all things related to your grihd account. Quickly disclose information, send a payment, create a project, or compose an email to your extended network.
Your dashboard is your homepage that provides you with notifications on all things related to your grihd account. Quickly disclose information, send a payment, create a project, or compose an email to your extended network.
Your dashboard is your homepage that provides you with notifications on all things related to your grihd account. Quickly disclose information, send a payment, create a project, or compose an email to your extended network.
Hello, Welcome to Grihd
The Product
The creative community is cool, but it can get a little complicated... Grihd is for artists, entrepreneurs, agents and everyone in-between. We hope to improve your productivity and enable a new, efficient approach to your innovative endeavors.
By combining familiar user interface and user interaction, Grihd creates an environment that is intuitive to the user, ultimately decreasing learning curves.
Your dashboard is home, providing a wide range of functions and notifications across the platform. Share, pay, create, and communicate to your network with extreme ease.
Create a project group and start a channel. Gather your team, brief them on the task at hand, and attach any references or resources. Send along an NDA to protect your Intellectual Property.
Connect with colleagues within Grihd and outside of the platform. Set up meetings, invitations to events, and reach out directly to other users. All invitations send linked receipts to everyones connected email.
Link and build with your network however large or small. Call, video chat, and send direct meeting requests. Grihd streamlines these processes making them effortless. Fortify your empire with Grihd.
Send, receive, and manage invoices with safe transaction tracking. Grihd will feature a utility token (GRD) that converts on the backend of every transaction including subscription purchases, social paywalls, payments and reloading tokens.
Don’t worry about your data and dreams. Your files are secure with a blockchain backend to improve safety and storage
Focus Group Interviews
Influential creatives within entertainment, music, fashion and tech discuss their pain points and gives their feedback on the grihd prototype.
Hana Giraldo (@hanagiraldo)
Bukunmi Grace (@bukunmigrace)
Zoe Dupree (@zoedupree)
Nanea Reeves (@naninja)
Cooper Wilson (@coopwilson)